The Bentway’s growing Safe in Public Space initiative broadens the definition of public safety, addressing new public health challenges and deep systemic inequities to build a new shared social contract for public space.


Ebti Nabag

Ebti Nabag examines how ideas of safety manifest and are communicated in public space through borders and boundaries, signs and symbols, public space architectures, and delineations.

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Snapshot: Reflected in Public Space - Reimagining Monuments & Place Names
Kris Kinsey Kris Kinsey

Snapshot: Reflected in Public Space - Reimagining Monuments & Place Names

As monuments and place names are confronted, there is an opportunity to reflect shifting values by reimagining the symbols we use to signal whose legacies and presence we choose to protect in the public realm. In this week’s Snapshot, we highlight some recent efforts to take stock of and reimagine existing monuments, alongside approaches to introduce completely new forms of symbols in public spaces.

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